Clarence's GP Blog

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

SDP's Chee slapped with 8 charges of speaking in public without licence

Deja Vu Dr. Chee
Channel News Asia Website:-

Congratulations Dr. Chee Soon Juan, once again, your plans have worked out SO well that you have ended up exactly where everyone thought you'd want to end up in, trouble.

Known for his rebellious antics against the ruling party in Singapore, Dr. Chee is no stranger to controversy and law-suits thrown against him. One of the most out-spoken opposition party leaders here in Singapore, Dr. Chee has never failed to steal the spotlight at every election and provides many Singaporeans with the required entertainment to compliment the usually predictable and boring election results. At least the cab drivers and people at the local coffee shops have something to talk about.

I believe that for Dr. Chee to be an effective opposition leader, he has to stop behaving like a spoilt little kid who is whinging all the time and actually stand tall by not only engaging the people of Singapore but also the government that the people of Singapore has voted for. What he has done has only made him look like a laughing stock and would any Singaporean actually want a klutz to lead a constituency let alone the nation?! I really don't think so. So Dr. Chee for all the ranting and raving you've done, I say give it a rest and others will start taking you seriously.

Monday, June 19, 2006

US struggles to get message across to Muslims

Bush Shocked & Over-Awed on PR Front
Channel News Asia Website:-

The Pew Reseach Centre survey of world opinion has shown that the Bush Administration is still unable to send the message of "War on Terror" across to Muslims.

The War on Iraq has been viewed as an illegitimate war that has given birth to a huge disaster the Bush Administration has yet found a solution to clear up, it hardly comes as a surprise to know that many Muslims feel hurt and are very affected socially because of the "War on Terror".

It certainly did not help when news of suicides at the notorious Guatanomo Bay detention centre rocked major newspapers. This event has given rise to speculation that detainees in Guatanamo Bay have been treated in such a way it has driven them to suicide. This totally repudiates the "values" the United Sates of America has been preaching to the entire world.

I really wonder, underneath all the diplomacy, do those allies of the US who have pledged to stand by Bush & Co. really know what they have gotten themselves into. Do they honestly believe his policies and actions are going to liberate the world of terrorism?

I believe that it takes two hands to clap. Diplomacy has never been America's strongest suit and probably never will be for a long long while (Do you hear me, Mr. John Kerry). I believe that President Bush has to STOP talking about peace and happiness and actually LIVE out peace and happiness. If it is going to take a formal apology to cool a few disgruntled "extremists" down then SO BE IT. He's been embarrasing himself so much since he took office, what's he got to lose in eating a little bit of humble pie.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Girl, 13, among those arrested for suspected drug abuse

Island-wide Drug Raid uncovers shocking finds
Channel News Asia Website :-

Central Narcotics officers revealed that a 13 year old girl was among 96 others arrested for consumption of controlled drugs such as amphetamines, cannabis and opiates.

It is indeed shocking and very saddening to know that some of our young people, at such a tender age, are consuming drugs and are literally destroying not only their future but also their physical health. It is also infuriating to know that irresponsible, narrow-minded and greedy adults are selling such harmful substances to little kids in the interest of a small monetary gain!

On the other hand, we must also be asking if we are taking good care of our young people. Singapore, being a very modern and westernized asian country is exposed to many different ideas, cultures and philosophies. Our teenagers, especially the younger ones have very impressionable minds. We cannot "shelter" them by not exposing them to the things of the world and expect them to be safe, because sooner or later, they are bound to find out about things such as drugs, sex and violence and we do not want them to get a shock when they do. We need them to be prepared and know how to deal with such things when they surface in life.

One must be wondering how the parents of that 13 year old girl must be feeling at this moment, after finding out that their precious daughter has resorted to drugs. It has to be a mixture of anguish, sadness, disappointment and mostly regret for not doing enough as parents to prevent such a thing from happening. But I suppose like the Bible says, everything happens for a bigger reason, one we often cannot fathom with our own minds. Perhaps this event will draw the family together. I just want that 13 year old girl, wherever she is right now, to know that she is not alone and that this is definitely NOT the end.