Clarence's GP Blog

Friday, April 07, 2006

US to bypass new UN Human Rights Council this year.

US not running for elections to participate in new UN HR Council, citing reason that council is flawed and that enthusiasted members of the UN deserve more privilege of running for council than the US.

The yank has done it again. This time round, snubbing the international community when it needs her.

I wonder which nation was it that had a really flawed reason and method of invading Iraq and Afghanistan. But yet this nation demanded unconditional support for her "fight against terrorism" and her leader even famously quoted, "Either you are with us or against us". After invading Afghanistan and Iraq, promising the people that their lives are going to be changed and peace and prosperity will come, they have only fulfilled 1 promise. Indeed the lives of the people have changed, it took a turn for the worst. 3 years after "shocking and awe-ing" Iraq, the country is in even more turmoil and they don't look like they'd be restoring peace successfully anytime soon

Coming back to the matter on the participation of the US in the new HR Council, I feel that the US has to stop behaving like a spoilt kid and start working TOGETHER and not against the international community if it intends to stay a giant in the international community. That is the ONLY way she is going to earn the respect and cooperation of countries all over the world, but again they are the US, they can impose sanctions on anyone, anytime and anywhere just to make people comply. If you are lucky, there is an alternative. VP Dick Cheney might be able to take you hunting.


  • At 12:00 PM, Blogger Dark Shadow said…

    why such a miniscule font? i feel like reaching out for a magnifying glass. and when i feel that way, I regret to say I dont bother reading.....please do soemthing about your font size.

    your grade is 'B-'.

    Blog on!

  • At 1:12 PM, Blogger rendição said…

    The US government has been deemed as being the "bully" of the global playing field. Recent acts of withdrawal only serve to enhance the viewpoint. It adds to the global resentment towards the US, as the US has shown over and over again, how it places national interest over global wellbeing.

    As a major, and at present, only superpower, I believe that the onus is on them to take part in crucial areas of the UN to help the world as a whole.

    Backing out is NOT an option.


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