Flying robot attack "unstoppable": experts
Bombs in the form of flying robots a real threat

In todays society, technology has contributed to the progress of mankind in several ways. But it has also contributed to its downfall and one day might lead to the destruction of humanity.
Remote-controlled aircrafts are now widely available and authorities fear that they might be used for terrorist attacks the way suicide bombers are being employed.
Maybe not as destructive an invention as the dynamite, these remote-controlled light aircrafts can be deadly if coupled with satellite positiong systems to achieve pin point accuracy of its targets. Authorities still have no idea how to deal with threat in this form and it looks like they won't be reaching a general consensus soon either.
Terrorism in its many facets has gained ground again because of this "toy". Regulation of sales of such unmanned vehicles should be put in place in order to prevent the aircraft from landing in the wrong hands but truth be spoken, there is only that much that can be done. The question today is no longer if terrorists attacks would happen but only when? Again it boils down to the importance of maintaining diplomatic ties with countries around us and at the same time instill social mechanisms to weave a community fabric that will ensure that we all stick together as one people no matter what the circumstance.

In todays society, technology has contributed to the progress of mankind in several ways. But it has also contributed to its downfall and one day might lead to the destruction of humanity.
Remote-controlled aircrafts are now widely available and authorities fear that they might be used for terrorist attacks the way suicide bombers are being employed.
Maybe not as destructive an invention as the dynamite, these remote-controlled light aircrafts can be deadly if coupled with satellite positiong systems to achieve pin point accuracy of its targets. Authorities still have no idea how to deal with threat in this form and it looks like they won't be reaching a general consensus soon either.
Terrorism in its many facets has gained ground again because of this "toy". Regulation of sales of such unmanned vehicles should be put in place in order to prevent the aircraft from landing in the wrong hands but truth be spoken, there is only that much that can be done. The question today is no longer if terrorists attacks would happen but only when? Again it boils down to the importance of maintaining diplomatic ties with countries around us and at the same time instill social mechanisms to weave a community fabric that will ensure that we all stick together as one people no matter what the circumstance.
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